Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy April everyone!

What's new on the horizon?  Things are happening at Piano Teacher Girl, the biggest changes are two additions to our staff!  We are very excited to welcome two new teachers.  Hop on over to http://www.pianoteachergirl.com/teachers.html to learn more about them.  When you're ready to start lessons, call us and we will set you up with one of our great teachers and you will be learning music in no time!

Also, we will be having our Spring Recital May 18th in Los Angeles, which we are very excited about. Recitals are great times for students to perform (obviously), see other kids perform, and my favorite part, interact with kids that they may not otherwise meet.   Last year's recital was my first one ever, and while it was probably more nerve-wracking for me, my students showed what awesome little performers they have become.  Since piano is a rather solitary instrument; let's face it, not until junior high or high school with kids have an opportunity to be a part of an ensemble, and even then, there aren't enough piano spots to go around for everyone that might be interested in playing.  This is why the recital is such an important part of the experience.  Because Piano Teacher Girl is growing, my hope is to have a fall recital as well.  Stay tuned, this might be the year that that happens!

Otherwise, some of my piano teaching friends are hosting a summer Music Camp, and there are only two weeks left to register!  Here is the link http://www.musicampla.org/ with everything you need to know, but spots are filling up quickly!  These camps aren't necessarily for those that are enrolled in music lessons, it could be for students that have expressed an interest in music.  It's a great way to test out the music experience before committing to lessons.

That is all for now!  My hope is to post more often instead of letting so much time go by.  Life is busy!

Here is a picture of one of my students's masterpiece drawings in her notespeller book.  And now she is onto the next level!  Morgan, 6 years old.

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